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The Test of Variables of Attention - T.O.V.A. 

Abdali Hospital is excited to offer one of the best objective tests for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Since ADHD diagnosis involves the use of a special class of medications called, Psychostimulants, we take extra care to get an objective test and a thorough, detailed assessment with our clinical psychologist to obtain or confirm the diagnosis of ADHD. Psychostimulants have a lot of benefits and risks involved with their usage. Hence an accurate and appropriate diagnosis of ADHD is very important before its use.


What is TOVA Testing?

The T.O.V.A. is the most widely used objective neuropsychological assessment measure of attention in the world, and is considered the "Gold Standard" among measures of its type. T.O.V.A. is an objective, accurate, and FDA cleared continuous performance test (CPT) that measures the key components of attention and inhibitory control. It is used by our qualified clinical psychologist, Ms. Rasha Salib, as an aid in the assessment and evaluation of treatment for attention deficits, including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), in children and adults.


Who can the TOVA test be used for?

TOVA testing can be used for ages 4 and up.


What does the TOVA test entail?

The T.O.V.A. test is a culture- and language-free, sufficiently long (21.6-minute) computerized test, and is presented as a simple, yet boring, computer/video game. The T.O.V.A. Responses to visual or auditory stimuli are recorded with a unique, highly accurate (±1 ms) micro switch using a button. T.O.V.A. comprises auditory and visual components. Each component (i.e., visual/auditory test) is administered individually and they are 21.6-minute each.

The test is used to measure a number of variables involving the test takers response to either a visual or auditory stimulus. The T.O.V.A. calculates response time variability (consistency), response time (speed), commissions (impulsivity), and omissions (focus and vigilance). These calculations are then compared to a large age- and gender-matched normative sample, as well as to a sample population of individuals independently diagnosed with ADHD. These comparison results are used to create an immediately available, easy-to-read report, which will allow our clinical psychologist to examine the patients’ impulsivity, consistency, focus, vigilance, and attention. 


How Reliable is the TOVA test?

The T.O.V.A. has been shown to accurately identify 87% of individuals without ADHD, 84% of non-hyperactive ADHD, and 90% of the hyperactive ADHD, but should never be used solely as a diagnostic tool for those testing for attention deficit disorders or with a traumatic brain injury.


Where can I get more information if the TOVA test is right for me or my child?

If you feel you or a loved one may benefit from an objective test for symptoms of ADHD, please call Abdali Hospital at 06 – 510 9999 ext. 2301/2302 to learn more about scheduling an assessment. Our clinical psychologist, Ms. Rasha Salib is specialized and trained to assess, diagnose, and treat symptoms of ADHD. 


What does the assessment include?

The full comprehensive assessment, which takes about an hour and a half with our licensed clinical psychologist Ms. Rasha Salib. This includes:

  1. A thorough clinical interview and diagnostic screening, gathering reports from patient/child and/or parents regarding symptoms and patient’s level of impairment, distress and functioning.
  2. Self-report measures filled by the patient/child and/or parents.
  3. T.O.V.A. (visual and auditory test) completed in the clinic with Ms. Rasha Salib, which lasts about one hour to complete.
  4. Extraction of results of all assessment measures, explanation of results to patients, coming up with a diagnosis and offering treatment recommendations and referrals.


What is Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition that affects millions of children and often continues into adulthood, causing impairment in daily functioning at home, school and work. Adult ADHD can show up as difficulty in everyday tasks such as waking up, getting dressed, organized, or being productive. ADHD interferes with a person's ability to pay attention (difficulty sustaining attention) and exercise age appropriate inhibition (as exhibited by hyperactivity and impulsive behavior).

Children with ADHD also may struggle with low self-esteem, troubled relationships and poor performance in school. Symptoms sometimes lessen with age. However, some patients never completely outgrow their ADHD symptoms. But they can learn coping strategies to be successful.


Are there Different types of ADHD? 

Yes, there are different types of ADHD. A person can experience ADHD- Hyperactivity- impulsive type; ADHD- Inattentive type; or what most people experience is a combined type (attention deficit and hyperactivity/Impulsivity). 

  • The Hyperactivity-impulsive type is marked by restlessness, fidgeting, squirming, running, climbing, leaving a seat when sitting is expected, blurting out answers, difficulty waiting in line or taking turns. 
  • Inattention type is marked by ignoring details, making careless mistakes, troubles sustaining attention, trouble listening when directly addressed, not following through on instructions, and failing to finish a task.
  • The combined type is categorized by symptoms of both types, persistent for at least six months. 


What are the Causes of ADHD? 

ADHD is a neurological disorder and research shows that it may be due to alternations in the brain and the way it functions. Studies have conducted research with twins and families have shown that ADHD is genetic. Other factors can also influence ADHD symptoms. 


What are ADHD Treatment Options? 

While treatment won't cure ADHD, it can help a great deal with symptoms. Treatment typically involves medications and behavioral interventions, which can help to increase mindfulness and coping skills to adapt to the challenges that come with ADHD. Early diagnosis and treatment can make a big difference in outcome. If you're concerned that your child or someone adult loved one, shows signs of ADHD, treatment can be effective.

At Abdali Hospital, our highly  skilled and professional clinical psychologist, Ms. Rasha Salib, is trained in utilizing the T.O.V.A. for assessing and diagnosing ADHD for children and adults in a comprehensive manner.